Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy

Photos of Students Loving Learning




In Classroom 16, we often speak about the balance between "The Joy of Learning" and the "Discipline of Learning." Here are random candid photos of students engaged in their learning activies or being spontaneously captured looking at the camera, showing they're happy to be in school!


Daniela poses following a lesson on our Solar System, a lesson aiming at understanding how our Solar System fits into perspective in the Milky Way Galaxy and the Universe! This followed a story, and discussion on how Science has given us understanding of Earth, the Planets, and Stars for which people long ago had no idea, and by not knowing could have been fearful of such things as "Aliens Invading from Mars!" Students were also contemplating what the great Astonomer, Carl Sagan, is famous for saying, "If we are the only ones in the Universe, then that seems like an awful waste of Space."


Adrian shares his creative writing story, and proudly displaying "The Crown" earned from excellence in spelling and beating the competition in our reward game played by those nailing 100% on the practice test.


John acknowledging that it's great to be in Classroom 16!


Arely, honored after getting the right answer!


Misael, confident in the lesson!


Hudson, in a rare opportunity to wear a hat in class!


Students engaged in their Reading texts after lunch, following the morning Math lesson and challenge problems!


Friendship abounds. Social support in school is all part of the 'picture' of learning and growing-up, and being happy to be at school.


Anthony shining in his joy of learning moment!


Christopher, either deep in thought, probing the inner world for an idea, or simply in elation in his learning!


Our busy class.


Partner Practice in Spelling. Partner activities advances Mare Island School's goals of student cooperative learning.


Getting ready to go home after a busy and great day of learning!